Learning expeditions are a fantastic way that we integrate science, social studies and ELA (English Language Arts) into engaging units. Students are involved in field work where they go out into the community to learn. Students have opportunities to do hands on work and learn in the field. In addition, experts come to talk about their daily work, answer questions and give feedback.

Currently, we are involved in our 2nd learning expedition, where we have had the opportunity to learn from a local native bee expert from The Bee's Waggle. In addition, we are traveling to Hudson Gardens to do field work. Students researched and learned all about soil and earthworms. From there, students learned all about plants. From there, students collaborated to become garden organism experts. We will be wrapping up with a celebration of learning all about how to save our most efficient pollinator....the native bee!
Students were challenged to help raise $100 per crew member to help with our $50,000 all school goal. After all of our hard work collecting pledges and running, we enjoyed a yummy popsicle thanks to our friends and sponsor at Manic Training.
We ended our healthy time, we the annual "signing of the shirts". This was a time when students gave shout outs on lap completion, perseverance and autographed shirts to remember our healthy day.
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