Wednesday, February 22, 2017

The World is our Garden

We kicked off our next learning expedition, The World is Our Garden.

  Students will be learning all of the first grade English Language Arts (reading and writing) non-fiction standards.  In addition, we will be hitting all of our first grade science standards. 

Students traveled between 4 different stations to predict what we would be learning about in our next learning expedition.  We loved observing in our outdoor classroom in the garden beds and in the compost bin.

Students wondered and noticed about different plants and plant parts with other first graders using magnifying glasses.

Students traveled to Ms. Jamie's room to observe sand, rocks and pebbles.
There was a lot of excitement as students tried to discover what they would be learning about!

Students returned to their classrooms to discuss what they wondered and noticed about our kickoff. We created a sign with the title of our expedition and discussed our guiding question:

"What helps a garden thrive?"
Our long term learning targets are:

I can use a variety of resources to locate information and answer questions.
I can identify what plants and organisms need to thrive.
I can explain how plants and organisms work together to help our garden thrive.
I can teach my community specific actions that will help our garden thrive.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

100th Day Of School

Students enjoyed celebrating the 100th day of first grade by coming dressed like they were 100 years old.

For math, students wrote their numbers accurately to 100.  We then reflected on how our handwriting has improved and how most of us are writing our numbers accurately in order without reversals.

A favorite part of the day, was collaborating with a small group to build something using 100 objects.  Students enjoyed building with Red Solo cups, blocks, pattern blocks, dominoes, and cubes.  After each turn, we took a "gallery walk" to notice and wonder about our friends' sturdy buildings.

Students enjoyed writing about what they will be doing when they are 100 years old.  This was a great reflection on how we are doing on high quality sentences using capitals at the beginning, spaces between words and periods at the end along with neat lowercase letters.

What a fun day!