Friday, August 26, 2016

We are CREW, not passengers

We were so excited to get our yellow tie dye crew t-shirts.  This week we have been talking about that we are crew, not passengers meaning that we all need work together and not just sit back and watch others.  As a crew, we created our norms and have been working to show respect by following them.
For the next few weeks we will be reviewing the Fox Creek Habits of Character.  We are discussing and modeling how these habits of character look in all areas (specials, recess, lunch room) with all teachers (P.J., Mr. B, Mr. Joel, Ms. Chris, etc.)

Things to talk about at home:
~What habit of character did you show today?
~What habit of character is easy for you? Why?
~What habit of character is hard for you? Why?

Talk about family or home norms that reflect the same habits of character.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Everybody Has A Story

Our first learning expedition is under way! 
The title of our first learning expedition is Everybody Has a Story.   
Our essential question is:  How do the stories in our lives help us learn about each other?

We kicked off this expedition with our first visit from our story teller, Mrs. Judy Hill.  She is a Spellbinder from Douglas County Library.   She will be visiting our classroom every month.  Mrs. Hill is a master at oral story telling, integrating song and reading books that keep first graders attention.  We have loved sharing our brown bags, listening to the stories of others and listening to the stories of important Fox Creek staff (Ms. Angel, specials teachers, etc.)  We are now persevering to do a high quality self portrait.  We worked with our 4th grade buddy to get some kind, specific, helpful feedback on our first draft.
Our learning targets for this expedition are:

I can describe myself using details.
I can actively listen to others.
I can describe and apply the story elements in narrative writing.
I can persevere to do high quality work.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Playing in First Grade

Our first week of first grade has been super fun. We have learned lots of skills this week through play and exploration.  In math, we have been exploring wooden blocks, connecting cubes, pattern blocks and power polygons.  We have learned how to collaborate with friends.

Through play we have learned how to take care of our classroom by cleaning up after ourselves, helping others and taking care of our learning materials.

We have spent plenty of time outside to learn how to work together.  We have learned our friends names, how to talk kindly and how to play fair.
Much of this week has been reflecting in a crew circle.  This is where we can talk about how things are going, what we need help with and celebrate our successes.  We are working hard at the classroom routines, school wide expectations, specials (P.E., art, music) routines and playground norms.

Have a great weekend and get outside and PLAY!

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Ready, Set, Go!

(top left - Ms. Sara, top right - Ms. VP, bottom left - Ms. Chris (educational assistant) and bottom right - Ms. Jamie)
The first grade team is ready to go!  The classrooms are set up, the teachers are excited and now we are eager to meet our new First Grade CREW on the black top at 8:20 am on Monday, August 8.

It was so great to meet many of you at the Meet and Greet on Friday.  If you were unable to attend, please have your child bring his/her supplies on Monday.

The first couple of weeks are all about routines, procedures and getting to know one another.  You can help your child be successful by helping him/her get plenty of rest, send in a pop-top water bottle and a healthy fruit or vegetable for snack.

Please join us Tuesday, August 30 to learn more about Fox Creek, EL Learning and first grade!

Monday, August 1, 2016

Back To School

The classroom is ready, new crayons are in their place and now all I need is my new CREW!  I am looking forward to a great year of learning, laughter and love.  Please come to the open house on Friday, August 5 between 3-4 pm in our classroom.  This is a time for your child to bring all of his/her school supplies, tour the classroom, meet me and check out all the places in Fox Creek.  I hope you can make it.