Saturday, May 12, 2018

Thank You!

Fox Creek Community we thank you!  Students participated in our annual Fox Trot fun run to raise money for our specials programs (art, P.E., music and technology).

Students collected pledges by contacting family and friends to help support the cause.

 Students persevered to run laps and as a crew we ran over 600 laps!  Wow!
We cooled down with some water and a popsicle.  I love when our crew has the opportunity to do hard things.  Students ran harder than they thought they could.
Our goal was to raise $50,000.  Thank you Fox Creek community for helping us exceed that goal as we raised $60,000.  Thank you for supporting the amazing work that happens at Fox Creek each day.

Monday, May 7, 2018

EL 's "A Better World Project"

We started our Better World Day with an all school assembly in the gym.  Students reflected on various kindness readings to get our minds, hands and hearts ready to focus on kindness for our community kindness walk.
We were reminded that we are crew here at Fox Creek.  However, our purpose today was to spread kindness to our Fox Creek community outside of our walls.

 Fox Creek students hit the streets to drop a kind note at our neighbor's front door.  Our day was met with cool weather and rain drops.
The weather did not stop our acts of kindness as students ventured into neighborhoods with joy and adventure.