Friday, October 20, 2017

Calm Down Strategies

We had an amazing time at crew! 
Today we learned about different calm down strategies we can use when we get upset. These are the ones we talked about:

Deep breathing 

Counting up or down

Positive Self-Talk 

Calming Thoughts - “Happy Place” 

Our crew is practicing these strategies not only when we are feeling mad, sad or overwhelmed, but throughout our day.  Each day after lunch recess, we calm down with PEACE OUT.  These are guided relaxation for kids.
I hope you continue to make relaxation and mindfulness a practice at home too!

Thursday, October 5, 2017

Stories, Stories, So Many Parts

In our 2nd Case Study, we are learned all about the parts of a story.  We firmly believe that readers aren't just people who can read the words, but rather people who read the words, talk about the story and think about what is happening.  Our first step has been to practice retelling.  We have worked hard to learn all about characters, setting, problem/solution and beginning, middle and end.  

Students have collaborated in small groups to read a text over several days and describe each of the story elements in a note catcher.  After a week of becoming familiar with the books and all the story elements, students embarked on the journey of story acting.

Students collaborated in small groups to practice parts and design costumes.  Each group presented to the class.  

What an exciting way to teach others about our stories and a fun way to remember what we read!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Field Day

We enjoyed our Star Wars themed field day put on by our fabulous P.E. teacher, Mr. B.  We had fun while getting plenty of exercise.

Students collaborated together to complete various Star Wars missions.

What a great day of fun and sunshine!

Students showed respect by listening to all the volunteers including our 6th grade crew who helped out for the day.