Sunday, January 28, 2018

Power of Play

In our classroom, we are learning so much about reading, writing, math and importantly PLAY!  Students have time to collaborate and build.  The conversations I hear make my heart fill with joy.  Students are trying new things alone while getting coached by a nearby friend or collaborating together to make an amazing castle.  I tell them that they may just be the next engineer, architect or construction worker.
It seems our world is spinning faster and faster.  Students are spending more and more time on technology and less and less time outside exploring or free playing with blocks, dress up clothes and art.  We are pushing kids to memorize and learn at earlier ages each day.  And then I take a breath.....
The first graders scour our play cabinets looking for building materials or things to use during their free choice imaginary play.  I wonder which one of these students will be the next actress on Broadway, a helpful parent or a creative artist.
I am honored to push kids to collaborate, think critically, question and inquire about the world through the most amazing vehicle...PLAY!

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Growing Readers

It is official....Ms. Sara Schu's crew is full of Book Worms!
Our visits to Ms. Faythe's learning commons is one of our favorite weekly adventures.  We were so excited about all the new seating in the library.  Students are engaged in books and excited about both fiction and non-fiction.
Students are really thinking about the books they are selecting.  Students are picking books that are "Just Right" (5 or fewer tricky words), books they want to learn from (sharks, Titantic, etc.) or recommendations from other crew members.  
 Students are reading independently, with partners and small groups.  I love how students are so engaged and eager to share their learning.
January - March are hands down my favorite times to teach in first grade.  The light bulb has gone off and students are having so many "A-ha moments".  Students are beginning to fluently read texts and talking about all the details of their books.

You can support this love of reading at home!
1.  Encourage your child to read take home books at home and do a detailed retell:
After that,

2.  Read TO your child.  
3.  Listen to audio books in the car

Learning Targets:
I can make wise book choices.
I can retell a story in order using details.

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Better World Project

Fox Creek First Grade is proud to announce that we were selected as part of the EL Better World Project for our Learning Expedition, Everybody Has a Story!
First graders were engaged in learning about fiction story elements to include characters, setting, beginning, middle and end.  Students then applied these elements to a personal narrative.  Students enjoyed sharing their own special story from their own life and then listening to each other's stories.  
After learning all about telling, reading and writing stories, we traveled to meet our grand friends.  We have interviewed a grand friend to record a story from his/her life.  We revised and edited the story.  We presented this special memory to each of our grand friends.  Students made lasting relationships and helped to record special memories.

Read this entire announcement HERE