Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Reflecting on Our Year Together

The year has come to an end and I am in awe of the growth my crew made!  The students have collaborated as a crew and built amazing friendships, learned problem solving skills and enjoyed playing together.

We grew as mathematicians who counted accurately, sorted by attributes and learned to add/subtract using manipulatives, number lines and patterns.

Students improved as writers who stayed focused on an idea, wrote multiple sentences using spaces, capitals at the the beginning and ending punctuation.

 Students are becoming strong readers by selecting just right books, using multiple strategies to solve unknown words and thinking about their reading by retelling, asking questions, inferring and making connections.  One of our favorite past times in reading was partner reading.

By far, my favorite part of kindergarten was our adventure time spent outside.  The curiosity and joy the outdoors brought to our crew was amazing.

Thank you for your partnership this year!  I loved watching each student grown and building relationships with each of your families.  Have a great summer!