Sunday, May 15, 2016

Case Study # 3 - Our Wiggly World

We are wrapping up our study of garden organisms.  We have enjoyed studying native bees (Mason Bee and Leaf Cutter Bee) whole group with the support of our Bee Expert, Jessica Goldstrom, from The Bees Waggle

We learned all about this powerful pollinator and asked many questions.  Students are becoming Bee Heroes!   Some of our wonderings that guided our questions were:

~Which body parts help a native bee help our garden?
~What is the life cycle of a bee?
~Why are native bees important?

Students enjoyed being in the outdoor classroom to learn more and complete hands on activities to help them understand the importance of native bees. 

The students have now been studying 3 more garden organisms (ladybugs, butterflies and honeybees) in small groups.  Students build their schema about these organisms through reading, experts, and i-pad research.  Students collaborated in their small groups to research everything they could about these important organisms. 

Students worked hard to determine why these organisms are important to our garden.

LT- I can explain the life cycle of my garden organism.
I can draw and label the body parts of my garden organism.
I can explain how a body part helps my garden organism help the garden.
I can explain why this organism is important to our garden.