Sunday, August 25, 2019

Reading in Kindergarten

We are readers!  I believe that all kids should view themselves as readers from day 1.  
What better way to reach this goal than to have children in books.  We begin the year with familiar song books.  We sing lots of song books together every day.
From there, readers give it a go independently by singing and reading the pictures on their own.
I love to see kids engaged with books and doing the work of readers.  Students soon cling to their favorites and listen in on their friends.
We end Reader's Workshop by inviting each student to share the book he/she read using the sentence starter "I am the kind of reader who....".  What better way to become a reader!

We ended our week in the library, where our special guest, Mr. Brian brought his guitar and taught all three classes of kindergarten the Fox Creek Song.

Saturday, August 10, 2019

First Day of Kindergarten

It was a great first day!  Students began the hard work of learning each other's names and exploring our kindergarten classroom.
We collaborated in small groups to explore blocks. It was fun to see what kids chose to build and the conversations that began to include planning.  Here in kindergarten, we believe play is the important, hard work!
Students creativity came out as they drew pictures and began sharing ideas with each other.
I am so excited for our year together!

Friday, August 2, 2019

Ready Set Let's Go!

Welcome to Kindergarten!  We are beyond thrilled to have you on our team this school year.  Each day our adventure will include opportunities to explore, think, solve problems, build friendship skills and play.  Here is our kindergarten team this year:

Ms. Sara, Ms. Kelsey and Ms. Kristin.

Our classroom is reading for a class full of readers, writers, mathematicians, scientists, play experts and compassionate friends.

As you see, all I need now is a new crew of curious, kind friends to help me fill this room with all of their thinking and ideas.

I look forward to a year of adventure, inquiry, curiosity, love and learning!  See you soon!