Sunday, August 30, 2020

Play Expedition

Mr. Brian (our principal) and Ms. Heather (our assistant principal) came by the classroom to kick off our play expedition by challenging our kindergarten crew to become play experts.

Learning expeditions involve students in original research, critical thinking, and problem solving, and they build character along with academic skills. All learning expeditions explicitly focus on building literacy skills particularly in reading and writing nonfiction text and writing from evidence.~EL Education

For the next 6-8 weeks, we will be learning all about what makes playing together fun and creating our "Play Commitments".  These will be the year long promises we will make to each other to have fun and play!  We will be reading our mentor text, Llama llama Learns to Share to help us notice how sharing makes others feel and why sharing is important.

We will be studying the attributes of toys, reading books about toys and researching different toys around the world.  We will write about our favorite toys and also interview a crew member to learn what toys they enjoy.  We are excited about this challenge!

I love this reminder of how quick time goes!  We look forward to making play and fun an important part of our day!  We are excited to share all of our research with you in the coming weeks!

Monday, August 10, 2020

Ready, Set, Let's Go

 Welcome to Kindergarten!  I am beyond thrilled to welcome my new kindergarten crew.  The classroom is clean and organized.

It sure looks ready for a new kindergarten crew.  I need the walls decorated and cubbies filled with the work, thoughts and wonderings of some curious kindergarteners.

I hope you are up for a year of adventure and new learnings.  Can't wait for this classroom to have kindergarteners who are ready to read, write, explore, wonder and become kind friends.  See you soon, my friends!