Friday, August 25, 2017

Routines, Rituals and Rhythms

Play is the highest form of research ~Albert Einstein
Young children learn through play.  We are learning how to collaborate, how to take care of our environment and communicate our needs.

We are excited after a couple of weeks of school and all that we are learning.  Students have been practicing routines and feeling out the rhythm of our daily adventure.


In math, students have been using different math tools to build, add and explore.   

In reading, students have been working on independently reading in their book bags.  We have discussed that readers read the pictures, sounds and words.

This week, we collaborated to create our crew norms.  Students shared what they needed and how we can be successful learners.

Please review these norms with your child.  
Questions to ask:
What norm do you think will be easy for you?  Why?
What norm do you think will be hard for you?  Why?

Monday, August 7, 2017


Welcome to first grade! I am beyond thrilled to be getting a new crew.  

The classroom is ready, but looks awfully bare without the help of my new crew.  I look forward to my new 26 first graders helping make this classroom feel like their home.

This will be an exciting year filled with lots of learning, thinking, play and joy! 
 I can't wait to meet you all on Wednesday, August 9 from 3-4 pm.