I can set a goal and reflect on my progress.
We first started this work during our morning Crew meeting. The students set a goal to see how many times they could throw up a scarf and catch it in 1 minute. At the end of the session we reflected on what helped us, what was hard and what our next goal could be.
Each day we set a new goal and tried again with the scarves. It was so fun to see the excitement and growth mindset as the days went on. Plus, we love scarves so what a perfect way to have fun and learn about goals and reflection.
I can show perseverance to create a high quality job card about my Fox Creek community member.
Next, students reflected on a high quality piece of work during our communities study. The students created a high quality rubric. Students self assessed their work using this rubric after their first draft.
After completing a second draft, they each collaborated with a partner. A partner gave them kind, specific feedback using the same rubric. Partners shared one noticing and one wondering.
"I notice ......"
"I wonder...."
The students then did another high quality draft using the feedback from their partner.
We will now publish this high quality work for all to see.
I can persevere to set a goal in math.
We have also began this work in math to help us improve our efficient and accurate math strategies. We look forward to sharing our growth with you in March!
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