We kicked off our 2nd Learning Expedition, The World Is Our Garden. Students explored at 4 different stations.
We will be focusing on this guiding question:
"How do plants and organisms interact to help our world thrive?"
Our long term learning target is:
~I can explain how plants and organisms work as a system to impact our world
~I can identify what plants and organisms need to thrive.
~I can use a variety of resources to locate information and answer questions.
Students ventured to the outdoor classroom to check out the compost and the garden beds.
Each station students went to they thought about:
I wonder.......
I notice........
Each station students went to they thought about:
I wonder.......
I notice........
There is a lot of excitement as we venture into our non-fiction, science based study!
As a crew, we are working on taking our time throughout our day to make sure that our work is high quality.
We are self assessing our own work using a "student created rubric".
I can evaluate my work to see if it is high quality.
Learning Target: I can give specific feedback using I notice and I wonder.
Often, we seek peer feedback from our other crew
members. To give kind, specific feedback, our crew uses...
"I notice..."
"I wonder..."
This allows for safe, respectful conversations to give feedback.
Our 4th grade buddies have also been giving us feedback so
that we can improve on the quality of our work.
Learning Target: I can revise my work based upon the feedback I received from my buddy.
High quality work is not just neat, nice work but is also leading to deeper thinking. In math, we analyzed math answers for accuracy and efficiency. In writing, we analyzed poems to see if there were strong describing words to help us make a mental image.
Students have been learning about our community and the individual jobs that impact our community. We had many experts come tell us about their jobs and we asked questions such as:
Why is your job important?, Why did you choose your job? Do you provide a good or service?
We reflect on why these workers are important to our community. Next, we studied teachers as our whole group community worker. Students learned why the community worker is important, where he/she works, what good/service he/she provides, a tool he/she uses and an opinion writing on whether or not this a job for you.
This week, students collaborated in small groups to study either a firefighter, police officer, dentist, doctor, nurse or mail carrier.
Learning Target: I can explain why a community worker is important to my community.
Students did research to build their schema of the worker and complete a high quality non-fiction information packet.
From there, each group created a presentation using head bands to teach their fellow crew members.
Learning Target: I can collaborate with my group to create a high quality presentation to teach about my community worker.
Learning Target: I can evaluate a community worker presentation using a rubric.
1. I can use a level 4 voice to communicate.
2. I can create a head band to help the audience visualize my community worker.