The first grade is starting their second
learning expedition of the year- The World Is Our Garden! The children got to
explore and ask questions about the things around us. Our guiding questions were "What do you notice?" and What do you
Students explored different materials at four different stations: liquids, solids, rocks and plants.
We are beginning to think like scientists! We are: ~making observations ~recording our data ~doing experiments ~using science tools such as magnifying glasses
This week we finished up Genius Hour. I first got this idea by collaborating with our tech teacher Mrs. Michelle Lynn. She sent me this blog. One of the most beneficial parts of my instruction is when I can collaborate with the master teacher's at Fox Creek Elementary or through other 1st grade teacher blogs.
We kicked off our Genius Hour by showing this video.
As a CREW, we reflected on what Genius Hour would look like in our classroom.
Step 1: THINK - Each student go to think of an ANIMAL they wanted to study.
Step 2: RESEARCH - Students checked out books about their animal by collaborating with our librarian, Mrs. Terrio. In addition, their 4th grade buddies helped with the research using the i-pads and Students did at home research with their parents using videos, internet and books. Students recorded this research in a note catcher. Step 3: LEARN - Students synthesized what they had learned. From there, they wrote a non-fiction expository text about their animal.
Step 4: QUESTION -Students read through their writing and thought of a "Genius Question" that they were still wondering about their animal. We did a lot of discussion, comparison and reflection on a "Google Question" vs. a "Genius Question". We used Albert Einstein as a mentor.
Step 5: SHARE Each student created a presentation using Shadow Puppet on the i-pad. Students loved the independence and ownership. I was amazed at the engagement! Students loved presenting to the entire class and the class had time to ask question.
I will definitely do Genius Hour again before the end of the year. I will give the students more choice on what they want to study, but for first grade, I loved starting with an animal of choice. Much of this was done independently...yes first graders did this independently. I think their independence shows how engaged they were. There were things that helped this go smoothly:
1. A mentor class of older students - A BIG shout out to our 4th grade buddies from Mrs. Moore's CREW!
2. Parent volunteers---this helped with research, helping to finish up note catchers and answering questions
3. In class student leaders - once I taught 4-5 students in my class, they could help their peers. This was the most amazing part of the process for me. My 6-7 year old crew members were teaching and mentoring.