Friday, October 10, 2014

Writing Our Small Moment

We had an expert writing teacher, Lori Conrad, come visit us to talk about small moments.  She helped us understand how to determine what is most important when we write a small moment.

After learning from our writing expert, we have begun writing lots of small momentsAs writers, we:
~write the whole time
~stretch out unknown words and keep on writing
~add lots of details

We love to spread out in our classroom to so we can do our best writing.  As you will see, busy first grade writers like to stand, sit, share and lay down!
***Share some small moments in your life (your favorite birthday as a child, a memory of a grandparent, a vacation, a favorite childhood gift)
Questions to ask your first grader:
~What do good writers do?
~Can you tell me a small moment?
~What are some strategies to spell tricky words?

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