Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Halloween is FRIDAY!  
A special give back opportunity will be happening on that day.  First grade will be collecting and donating gravy (canned or in a jar).  Each grade level is collecting a different item to donate to the local food bank.  

Please have your child wear his/her costume.  We will start with an all school parade.  Please go to the gym to see all the great costumes.  After the parade, please come directly to the classroom for a great Halloween party planned by Stacy Rini and Lauren Arnone.  Everyone is welcome!

We will then be changing out of our costumes and getting in regular clothes before lunch.  After lunch, we will be doing experiments and having fun with pumpkins.  We need dads, uncles, grandpas, etc. to come help.  Dads, etc. please bring a pumpkin with you!

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