Sunday, January 25, 2015

Asking Questions

Good readers ask questions!
We are now deep into our study of non-fiction texts.  We are learning a lot, but more importantly we are curiously asking LOTS of questions.  As readers, we are learning that we ask questions before, during and after reading.  Each day, we are reading both non-fiction and fiction books to practice asking questions.  We realize there are many ways and sources of information to answer our questions to include:
~websites -
~experts (we have e-mailed many of our Community Worker experts to ask specific questions)
Students will begin a non-fiction animal report of their choosing to apply their knowledge of non-fiction reading to their writing.
We wrap up our Unit 4 in math this week and the unit test will be coming home.  This math unit was all about data collection and analyzing data.  Students started with a survey question and then collected data.  Once the data was collected, we began to ask questions:
~What does the data show us?
~Why is this data important?
~When we compare this data, what do we notice?
~What math statement can we say about our data?  Students used math vocabulary to include greater than and less than

We wrapped up our social studies unit on Community.  We will now be learning about maps and globes. 

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